Main » 2008»August»19 » The brand new and utterly useful Daily MP3 Blogs Aggregator
The brand new and utterly useful Daily MP3 Blogs Aggregator
10:41 AM
There are a bunch of excellent MP3 blogs out there that I visit regularly. However, I don't like subscribing to too many feeds as it quickly gets overwhelming. Nor can I visit each and every one every single day to check what's new. So after a couple of days in development using Yahoo Pipes, JSON, and custom JavaScript, I've come up with the ideal solution for my needs: a single web page that aggregates only the latest posts from all my favorite sites. I now visit this page daily and never miss a good post.
I figured I might as well share this with the rest of you and made it a bit customizable. The result can be found here: The Daily MP3 Blogs Aggregator. I'll add further customization to it in the future, so that you can not only choose from the ten blogs I've listed, but add other blogs to it as well. Check it out and feel free to leave suggestions here on how it can be further improved.